Wednesday, March 25, 2009

There's Writing on the Wall

There's writing on the wall, and it says...
Love these children,
Embrace the messes,
Enjoy the clutter,

And treasure the dishes.

For tomorrow they will be teenagers...


kimbob said...

you've got writing all over like I do. Chase colored all over my hall closet in pencil and then on my downstairs door both side in red crayon. Don't we just love our children. I've been too lazy to clean it off :)

Kristin. said...

Those light switches made me throw up in my mouth a little bit- mostly because I encounted something very similar while we were there and it totally grossed me out then too.


M. Nelson said...

I'm going to remember this post the next time my kids make a mess. Thank you.

Amanda said...

This is very sweet, Aspen. You have a soft side after all. : )

Heather said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a dishwasher always full of sippy cup :) Thank goodness for Mr. Clean erasers they are the Best!

Jamey said...

Well aren't you just so you just think of new blog posts all day! It is working for you - it is fun to see what you come up with next. Love it! Love your kids!