Friday, May 30, 2008


Do you want to know what is so irritating about these pictures?
Right now,
as I type this,
is wearing clothes!
All five of us!It is not possible to win the war against laundry.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Carnival at Kylie's School

Earlier in the month Kylie's school sent home info stating that there would be a carnival at her school last night. I assumed something in the gym, maybe a fishing pond, some darts, you know...the kind of carnivals that we all grew up with. Yesterday she came home with a flier for the carnival and it listed things like slides and a train and swings. I wasn't sure how this was going to work since I was still picturing a little shindig in the cafeteria. But instead, this is what awaited us when we got there...

We had so much fun (except for Brynlie who slept through the whole thing. She is working on getting her first tooth right now.) and can't wait until next year. There was pizza and hot dogs, cotton candy, shaved ice, nachos, and lots of other yummy snacks. Beats the carnivals from the 80's! (Or was it just because I grew up in Vernal?)

I know that some of you are wondering after reading Sadie's shirt, and the answer is..."Heck yes, her mom rocks!"

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

I overheard Kylie's version of Row, Row, Row Your Boat in the car the other day...

Row, row, row your boat
Chipping down the street.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
life's a spotted dream.

Memorial Weekend

Our Memorial Weekend was a rainy, uneventful one. We decided to take advantage of the Zoo Membership that I purchased while at Kylie's field trip (which I am so glad that we did because we will get more than our money's worth out of it. Anyone up for a zoo trip?) It was a perfect day, just cool enough that Jared was happy, and not too cold for us girls.
Jared did lots of "heavy" lifting...

I always knew that he was a gorilla!
Sadie refused to stick her head in the mouth for a picture.But she would crawl on the spider web.
Brynlie never fussed the whole time we were there. She is such a happy baby!This was a little owl that would sit there not doing much...until Jared walked up. Every time he walked up to the glass the owl would puff up big like this and would shrink back down when he left. Jared was the only one that he owl would react to. Kylie checking out the ducks.Jared had fun with the girls trying to stop the ball from rolling in the water.I absolutely LOVE my double stroller! It is so nice and tall enough that even Jared doesn't mind pushing it. I'm pretty sure that this is the most expensive "baby" item that I have ever purchased, and I have no regrets.
This was my favorite. Kylie got tired so Sadie let her ride in the stroller and then Sadie walked next to her holding hands. I love it when my girls are getting along and not fighting.
Mommy and Brynlie.
By the end of the day the girls had kicked Brynlie out of the stroller, just in time for the steep climb up the hill to the back parking lot.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


I went to the dentists this week and was given a free toothbrush. Since I have an electric one I told Kylie that she could have it. She went to brush her teeth and came out so excited saying "Mom! I love this toothbrush! You need to try it. When you use it, it is!"

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Soccer Star

Kylie is playing soccer again this year, for the second year in a row. She is really quite good when she wants to be...others times...well, let's just say that she is "easily distracted". Especially with a certain boy by the name of Jaxon on her team. At least this year she is no longer out on the soccer field sucking her thumb!This year the other 4 girls in our ward decided not to play so it is just Kylie and the 3 boys. There are only three girls on her team this year, and of course, she is the best. And I am not biased at all as her mother. She hasn't been as excited to play as she was last year so I've started to bribe her to score goals. (Hey, whatever works...I don't knock all of your parenting skills...and don't tell me that none of you have ever resorted to bribes.) A few games back I told her that I would take her to the movies if she would score a goal. She was really close a couple of times, but no goal. She asked if she still got to go and I told her no, but that she could try again next week. The next week she tried so hard and at the last minute she scored the goal. She had the biggest grin/smirk on her face when she scored. The next week I asked her what she wanted if she scored another goal. Without even hesitating she told me she wanted an AIRPLANE RIDE. Where did she get this idea from? Have I been teaching my kids to dream a bit too big? From a movie to an airplane? Needless to say (and yet here I am saying it) she wasn't going to get an airplane ride, so she settled for a dinner date with dad. Which she quickly informed me was not to be called a "date" because she can't date her dad because he is a boy. And too big. And married. And because he's her dad.

She didn't score a goal at the game that weekend, but the following weekend she scored two goals within the first 5 minutes. She really should have come over and negotiated for another reward before she scored that second goal because I'm considering that one a freebie. Kylie's Aunt Jennifer has been helping her practice her kicking this past week so we are really excited to see if she has improved any at her next game. Thanks Jen for your help! Kylie can't stop talking about it! She has three more games left if anyone is interested. They are May 31st (noon), June 7th (1:00), and June 14th (noon) at the West Jordan soccer field.

What happens when Kylie gets a hold of my camera...

"I'm too cute to say no to!"

"Kylie, where did Bryn get this candy bracelet?"
"I gave her mine, mom."

"She isn't old enough for that. She could choke!"

"Sorry, Bryn, you can't have that."

"Hey! Where'd my candy go?"
"I want my candy back nnnooooowwwww!!!"

"You are such a mean mommy!" "Okay, Bryners you can have it back, but only for a minute."
"Now that's what I'm talking about!"
"This is so yummy!"
"Brynlie, mommy is worried about you choking. I've got to throw your candy away."

"WHAT!!!???? NOOOOO!!!"
"You are such a mean mommy! I will be scarred for life if you don't give me my candy back right now! I will never forget this!"

"Please mommy, look at how pitiful and sad I am!"

"Oh Brynlie, please don't make mommy feel bad."

"Okay Bryn, you win. Here's your candy back."
"Yes, I got my candy back!"
"This is the life. I own my mommy. I can make her do anything."
"It pays to be this stinking cute!"