Sunday, April 19, 2009

Brynlie's Best Friends

A mother always hopes that her children will make good friends that influence them in positive ways. Brynlie's recent choice of friends have left much to be desired.
This is her musical friend with an added bonus of a keyboard on the bottom that makes animals noises. It is loud and obnoxious and every time you flip the page or push the button a new song will play. Her favorite "note" is the green one. It is the farmer and will say "Rock On, Rock On" over and over and over again. Brynlie's loves to wait until I am watching TV and then this friend of hers tempts her into bringing it up on the couch so they can watch TV together with me.
This is Gloworm. She has been a wonderful companion for Brynlie at night, but recently convinced Brynlie that she wanted to eat chocolate with her. Now her left hand is covered in the residue and every time Brynlie goes to bed she wants Gloworm with her. After she lies down with her Brynlie pushes her a few inches away and points out the offending hand and makes a disgusted noise. This toy really needs to learn better hygiene before Brynlie follows suit. In all honesty, this may have been a little bit more of Brynlie's fault than Gloworm, but it is a mother's prerogative to blame her children's friends if at all possible.This friend of hers is much too old for her. It was purchased recently at a book fair for Sadie, but it immediately picked Brynlie as a friend instead. It is a puzzle book that was not meant for the little hands of a 19-month old. Brynlie is able to get all the pieces out, distribute them evenly throughout the whole house, and then leave the empty book for me to fill back up. This happens at least three times a day. I try to return this friend to Sadie, but Brynlie goes looking in the girl's room for her older, mature friend. I wish she would stick to friends her own age.
These baby friends have convinced Brynlie that ALL babies are her babies. It doesn't matter who has the baby first, or if the baby is still in a box. Once Brynlie lays eyes on the baby, it is hers.Her squeals of delight at finding this baby at Target were short lived.

Once she realized that this baby was NOT going home with her. It was not a pretty sight. Brynlie has also found a couple friends in the produce aisle. Specifically, strawberries and bananas. This friendship wouldn't bother me if she would pace herself and eat them over a period of several days. Bananas need to be weighed at the checkout stand. This means a screaming baby from the moment they are placed into the cart until we can get to the car and allow her to pig out on the way home.
Last, but not least, Brynlie's best friend, her stool. Apparently, at 19 months, the only thing that you need to succeed at any task is about 6 inches. Opening doors, reaching the bananas, finding melting chocolate left on the counter, emptying the silverware drawer, pushing items off the stair rail, pulling down tubs of wipes, and getting into the toothpaste are just a few of the things her stool has been an accomplice to. There is nothing that these two can't do together.


Mandy said...

Well that's all my Kylie would need is another six inches. AHHHH!! Hope things go well on your Trip, you will be missed at work!:(

Amanda said...

You are so cool Aspen! I mean that. It is not dripping with sarcasm like you always are.

G just learned he can push the bar stools anywhere he needs them to be. It is a good thing he is cute.

M. Nelson said...

I love that she is the one to soil her Gloworm and then shuns it.

Jamie W said...

That post was hilarious!

kimbob said...

Looks like Brynlie has made many friends. Hopefully she can keep the friendship alive with all of them:) Have fun in Cali!!