Brynlie turned 2 last month and at her check up was in the 50th percentile for height and much higher for her weight. Let's just say that maybe eating that last beater before her weigh in wasn't such a great idea.
Okay, so she isn't that chubby, but her weight more closely matches her 90th percentile head than her 50th percentile height.
On to more important milestones. Brynlie has learned how to make herself burp. If you catch her in a good mood she will show off for you, over and over again. She's good enough that if she knew her ABC's she could burp them for you. Makes a mother proud.
Okay, so she isn't that chubby, but her weight more closely matches her 90th percentile head than her 50th percentile height.
On to more important milestones. Brynlie has learned how to make herself burp. If you catch her in a good mood she will show off for you, over and over again. She's good enough that if she knew her ABC's she could burp them for you. Makes a mother proud.